Archive for June 18th, 2010

June 18, 2010

Hello Life!

This world we live in moves way too fast for me. I’m starting to realize that, in my natural state, I would move at about a fourth of the pace of everyone I come in contact with in Atlanta. Hopefully that fact doesn’t say something too bad about me, but it’s the truth. Life is at it’s best with me when I can do one thing at a time, not a million tasks at once; when I can take a moment to absorb everything going on around me, not just fly by it only looking straight ahead; when I have the time to take a walk, not be in a car for three hours a day; when I can have a moment at the end of every day to enjoy the company of my loved ones.

Lately, life has just not been like that. I’ve been going a million miles a minute, working an incredible, but extremely fast-paced job, spending 15 hours a week in a car, filling my evenings and weekends with so many plans that it’s hard to find time to sleep. I love my life and having so many wonderful things going on, but it’s time to take a chill pill.

The Lord is good, and in His infinite mercy has provided me a few alternatives lately to the chaotic lifestyle I’ve been used to. Changes are being made every day that give me more time to be the wife I was called to be, the friend I was called to be and the believer I was called to be. Because of these changes, a lot of uncertainty clouds the future. But, I have so much peace that the Lord will provide.

Psalm 119:105 has been on my heart a lot lately: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” What I love about this verse is that it uses such specific language. Not to get into the too nitty-gritty, but a lamp’s light only shines so far, and a “path” typically seems like a short distance, as opposed to the term “journey.” The Psalmist didn’t say, “Your word is a flood light to my feet and a light beam to my entire life’s journey.” All God has promised is to shed a little light on the path right in front of me. He has given me the information I need to know now, the light to see what direction I need to walk in at this very moment. At a certain point, that light fades and I can’t see what’s ahead of me. But I know that He’ll keep shining that light into my immediate path so that I know the next step to take.

There’s such a freedom in that. I’ve always been a planner, but I feel so liberated giving up control {read: worry} of my every move. I’ve lived long enough that I can now see that every little thing I ever worried about always ended up working out for my best. Why would the Lord abandon me now? He knows the plans He has for me and they are for my good and His ultimate glory.

So, hello life! I am happy to see you again and to experience the joys that you bring.