Archive for August 25th, 2010

August 25, 2010

Make Someone’s Day

P.S. (Pre-Script in this case): I actually wrote that post last night and it didn’t update. So this is a totally new post today. I’m excited that I’m blogging two days in a row, this is why I tell you that.

Okay, so down to business. I am at Starbucks working (don’t worry – this is my lunch break). And all of a sudden this girl comes in. She’s probably 20-ish. She seems kind of quiet and maybe a little awkward. Well this older barista yells her name, comes out from behind the counter and gives her the biggest hug I have seen in ages – we’re talking Ben Grindle style. She spends literally 10 minutes talking to her about what’s going on in the girl’s life and how much she has missed her. She told her that every day she comes to work, she wishes she’ll see her car because she loves whenever she sees her. She told her she thinks about her often.

Now I don’t know the back-story on this. The barista was one of the best that’s ever helped me, which leads me to believe she’s a stand-up lady. But who knows, she could be annoying or obnoxious. But I couldn’t help smiling at how much this barista was encouraging this girl. She made her feel like the only person in the room.

When other people have done that for me, no matter who they are or what their personality is, it I feel like that person is truly thankful I’m on this planet and cares about me a lot. Who doesn’t love that feeling??

So because of this experience, I will be finding someone’s day to make. Whether or not it changes their week for the better, I know that I will get a smile from making someone feel like they are the most important person in the room. Don’t we all need that every now and then?

August 25, 2010

Interests of the Moment

So I am the queen of urging others to post to their blogs. I love hearing about their crazy antics and recent life occurrences. However, as others are quick to point out, I’m not the best about updating others via my blog. Much of this comes from an indecision about what to write about. For example, I sat here for about ten minutes pondering whether to talk about my new work from home situation, the weekend’s events in Toccoa, the movies I’ve seen lately, etc. None of them seem that exciting to me though.

Despite this indecision, I’m making a command decision to move forward – to plow through the uncertainty. Even if that means posting something mediocre at best.

Therefore, I will update you on my interests of the moment. A conglomeration of the items floating through my head right now; a medley of thoughts if you will…

  • Honeymoon registries: Why did I not think of this? A friend of mine getting married shortly had a registry where people could buy them excursions, spa treatments, dinners, etc. This would have been a genius idea! I’m furious with myself for not thinking about it.
  • Wedding albums: I hate the options that photo-book-creating websites are giving people right now. It’s like you have to choose between quality or control. I want both, dagnabit! So I finally found this wedding album creator that fit the bill: quality, control, good design, creativity. Then I looked at the price… albums begin at $5,000 for a custom piece. Um, no thank you! So I decided to make my own album. I’m creative, I can do quality work when forced, I’m really cheap! So I signed up for a 30 day trial of PhotoShop Elements and am literally creating my wedding album with a deadline. I have to say it’s going quite nicely. Along with photos, I’m including letters, pieces of advice received from wedding guests, vows, old photos, etc. When all is said and done, others may think it’s a little tacky or over-done, but I am going to love it. I’ll try and remember to post the PDFs here one day. Then you can tell me what you really think.
  • Home Office Decor: So about a month ago, I found out I could work from home. All I can say is that there is a gracious Lord in heaven that truly cares about us on an intimate level. Otherwise, this situation never would have unfolded. Well since I never thought this situation would unfold, I didn’t really have any work done on a “home office.” All of a sudden, I’m realizing that the rooms you work in do affect your mood and productivity (read: this, this, that, or this). All this information solved the mystery of why my sanctuary of a living room wasn’t really stimulating me to do my work. So now I’m transforming our guest room into my home office and trying to figure out how to decorate it to inspire creativity and focused work. Some of the rooms I like so far are: eclectic office; memory board style; secret nook style; Santa Monica style; earthy office; oh how I long for a nook (though I’d make it cozier than this one); if my office were like this, I’d feel like I was in Pride and Prejudice; and this may be my favorite; although, if I could make this into an office it could be my favorite; ahh, they just keep getting BETTER!; all I want is books, books and more books. I’m all over the place. But I want books and flowers EVERYWHERE!
  • Recipes: Finally, I’m falling in love with cooking. Who would have thought? I can’t find any recipe boxes and cards I like though. I think I’m looking in the wrong places. Maybe I’ll make my own.

That’s all. It may have been mediocre, but now you know what’s on my mind. 🙂